Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Breast ... Large or Small?

I think any woman's body is not given much time and attention as breasts. Bust has always intrigued men, including because it is the most marked difference between them and women, visible at first glance. Nature assigns us the different advantages of femininity, some of us get a little, others more than they wanted. And what do they think of all men?

Nature gave women breasts for a particular purpose. Thanks to them, they can feed their children milk. However, bringing to the role of breast nipple would be a great injustice. It is worth noting that the lactic glands take up little space, and the breasts are composed largely of fat.

It is irrelevant whether a woman has a size A or E, it can usually produce adequate for the amount of food your child. The same is true for all mammals - every female feeds her young, although no species can boast of impressive breasts. Bust in this form is only in the female of the species, which is simply in women.